Lets look after our earth as much as we can

I use environmentally friendly inks and clean with ENJO

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

and the WINNER is.............

Hello everyone,

My assistant did the draw and the WINNER is


If you can email me your address to dfowkes@powerup.com.au I will mail your package out.

Thank you all for entering my giveaway and leaving lovely comments.  MooMoommy I would love to see what you make from the 3 pieces of dyed fabric and the 4 Round Car blocks. I am thinking that the new grandchild will be getting a lovely present!

For those of you that didn't win, sorry but I do sell the Car Blocks in packs of 3 (colours of your choice ) for AU$12.95 and the fabric is AU$6.00 (380mm x 545mm). Postage will be extra depending on where you live but in Australia it normally costs AU$1.20. Did you notice the quilt the giveaway is sitting on? It is made using my Square Car blocks and has my stripy material around the block.  I love the way they are so bright.

Well off to work on those space blocks, can't wait to print them and show you all.

Happy sewing

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